Best Steak I have had in a LONG time… Wrapped in American Style Rindless Bacon, Seasoned with Murray River Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper, drizzle with YIAH Garlic Infused Olive Oil. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Take the steak out of the fridge at least half an hour before you want to cook it to get it to room temp. Heat a non stick pan (stovetop to oven) medium to high heat. Sear the steak for 4 minutes on one side (do not touch it or move it!) Turn over and sear for 4 minutes on the other side. Pop into the oven for 6 – 8 minutes (cooked to Medium/Medium Rare) and then let it rest on a plate for 4 minutes. Perfect steak every time using this method.
Bacon Wrapped Eye Fillet.. nom nom nom!