Zucchini and Tuna Slice

A super simple and easy slice to prepare that’s delicious and nutricious!  I’ve used a 25cm x 16cm Baking Dish which will make 6 serves.

Easy, Delicious and great for anyone on my Gut Health Program!


2 zucchini’s grated

1 carrot grated

2 spring onions sliced

1 roasted capsicum diced

185g tin of tuna in spring water drained

6 free range eggs

cracked pepper and salt (I use Stockman’s Whip Salt which is a blend of Himalayan salt with lemon and pepper)

1 tablespoon of Barrier Reef Spice Blend

4 tablespoons of ground almonds

2 tablespoons of grated parmesan

What to do:

Place all of the ingredients except the parmesan into a bowl ands stir to combine.











Pour into a greased baking dish and bake in a preheated oven 180 c for 40 mins or until golden and cooked through.











LJZucchini and Tuna Slice

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